
Our Incredible Life Paths: Vincent BELHASSEN

23 September 2019 Portraits / Podcasts

Please say a few words about yourself.

Why did you choose to go to Toulouse and TBS to study?

My profile is slightly different than others, because I didn’t go TBS to study, but to work as the Head of Sponsorship Development at the TBS Fondation. My decision to work for TBS Fondation was certainly made in the same manner one chooses a school to attend: the objectives of TBS, the values it defends, the day-to-day quality of life, and - of course - the power of its company and alumni networks.

Would you tell us about your time as a student at TBS?

I’ll tell you about my time as an employee, since parallels can be drawn between that and being a student.  I received a warm welcome when I started at TBS, and more widely, when I got to Toulouse. It was similar to the welcome the TBS chapters extend when a student or a graduate arrives in the country. Everyone was kind to me, and wanted to help me. I joined a real "family" when I began working with TBS Alumni teams, employees, and volunteers when I got there in the summer of 2015. I was able to get to work very quickly, with ambitious projects and highly motivated people.


Who are you now?

What is your current situation?

After four years of developing the TBS Fondation, TBS and its Grande Ecole Programme just gave me a new task: that of being a student. Just like TBS Alumni, I will work on implementing the services offered to students and reinforcing the sense of belonging. Everyone who has gone through TBS have strong, unique, and rewarding experiences. They discover new passions, even callings. There, they meet new people - sometimes their best friends, and sometimes even a soul mate. Our school must be there to help and support them in their decisions, and give them the means to reach their student association, personal, and professional goals.

Why did you choose this field, this path? 

Above all, the job of fundraising within a foundation is a calling. It takes a fighting spirit to defend all the values that are dear to us. I came to TBS because I was convinced that we share strong values such as excellence, diversity, and equal opportunities. Additionally, I’ve always been convinced that I would thrive in a profession where human relationships are at the centre of what I do. The contact I’ve had with TBS Alumni volunteers, graduates who sit on the foundation's Executive Committee, employees, professors, and administrative staff drive my awareness and solicitation strategy, which makes my business so rich.

I spent four wonderful years at the TBS Fondation and it’s time for me to accept a new challenge and to bring all of my qualities and motivations to the school.

How did you get to where you are today in your professional career? (The major steps to consider )

My career has been built on the people I’ve met. I’ve had the luck of meeting some brilliant people who knew to give me a chance. Before I came to work for TBS, I was working for another management school in north of France. The "market" of Grandes Ecole’s employees is very active, and when I was called to help strengthen the TBS teams, I jumped at the chance.  I absolutely regret nothing.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I hope that I’ll still be contributing to TBS, and that it’ll still be relying on my expertise to make it grow. I’ve been working in schools for nine years now. It’s an area that has meaning for me. I hope to be able to continue to help my colleagues flourish: young students, renowned research-professors, friendly and motivated colleagues, and volunteers driven by the desire to do well. I also want to develop more innovative, meaningful and useful projects.


How are you involved with the Alumni network?

How has the alumni network been a support for you?

If you’re responsible for getting sponsors, the most important thing is to explain what the network does and how it is useful. A school like TBS can only grow if it can depend on its network of graduates. If I wanted the TBS Fondation to endure, it was essential that I work with TBS Alumni Association. Its team and volunteers held numerous events where I had the chance to meet great people who share the same values as me. They were immediately useful to me, and I was able to better communicate and learn about (and let them know about the TBS Fondation) their network. They are the true ambassadors for the TBS Foundation. More technically, the new website format has given my fundraising campaigns exposure, as well the ability to circulate news. It’s very a practical and good way to communicate.

How would you recommend using it?

First of all, make sure your contact details on the TBS Alumni website are up-to-date. If the Association does not have your contact info, we can’t keep you informed of what’s going on in the TBS community around the world. Then, you have to ask yourself “why should I join TBS Alumni?". You must define your needs - whether professional (career booster, job offers, membership of professional associations, etc) or personal (search your classmates, attend TBS Alumni afterworks near you, or at the other end of the world…). You can manage your level of participation and invitations, which is nice because you can receive only the information that you are interested in.


What advice would you give to TBS alumni, students or graduates? 

If I had any advice to give someone coming to TBS, it would be to encourage them to analyse the ecosystem in which they are in currently are so that they’re aware of the opportunities available to them. Very often people don’t realise how lucky they are to belong to such a community. Anyone with a connection to TBS can bring something. At any time in your life, TBS and TBS Alumni can provide an opportunity and become useful. (Maybe we don’t need it today and can’t bring anything to TBS ourselves, but tomorrow???)



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