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[Berlin ] Business Lunch

Organised by "Berlin"

12.07.2023 à / um 12.30 Uhr /heures

Restaurant Boccacelli

Winterfeldstr. 34, 10781 Berlin

nähe/proche U-Bhf/métro Nollendorfplatz

Das Boccacelli bietet um die Mittagszeit ein Business-Lunch ab 10€ an. - Le Boccacelli offers a lunchtime meal for around 10 Euro.

Bitte um Information bis zum 11.07.23 wer kommen möchte, damit ich einen Tisch bestellen kann.

Please inform me by 11 July 23 so that I can reserve a table.

Bis bald / A bientôt


Wednesday 12 July 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Restaurant Boccacelli
Winterfeldstr. 34
10781 Berlin
  • Consumption to be paid on site

Registration closed

Restaurant Boccacelli

Winterfeldstr. 34
10781 Berlin

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Subway / U-Bhf Nollendorfplatz

Wednesday 12 July 2023
12:30 - 14:00 (GMT +2)
Restaurant Boccacelli
Winterfeldstr. 34
10781 Berlin
  • Consumption to be paid on site

Registration closed
  • Add to my calendar