Who are we?

Your Alumni Network

The TBS Alumni Association, the TBS Education School and the TBS Foundation are founding a triptych with common values and vision in order to create a synergy in the actions built.


  • Promote a powerful network
  • Support the school's reputation
  • Maintain and develop links between its members
  • To propose job and internship offers
  • More than 52,000 Alumni including students and graduates
  • 60 Tribes and Chapters around the world,
    all run by volunteer Alumni

Our values

The team

The Board of Directors
  • election of 15 representatives by the members of the association
  • Board of 5 representatives elected from among the members of the Board 


  • validates the strategic orientations and the annual provisional budget
  • consulted on important decisions
  • meets on a regular basis and takes part in the animation of the network and the project groups set up during the year


The salaried team


  • Communication (website, social networks, e-mailings, invitations...)
  • Promotion of the network and its services
  • Management and updating of the TBSocial Network
  • Promotion of exclusive job offers
  • Support to students, graduates and volunteers