Notebook / Appointments

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21 June 2024
Sarah BIGUET (PGE, 1998)

Appointments - Sarah Biguet has been appointed Project Director of Elcimaï, a position she has held since June 2024.

Sarah Biguet is appointed Project Director of Elcimaï, in this position since June 2024.
Sarah Biguet has been appointed Project Director of Elcimaï, a position she has held since June 2024. Sarah Biguet, Master, Commerce and Management - TBS Education (1998), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (0), has completed the following career path:

* 2024 : Elcimaï, Project Director

* 2024: Institut national de l'économie circulaire, Director of Operations

* 2005 - 2012: Envie, Development Manager

* 2002: Algoé, Senior Consultant, 2005

* 1998: Katalyse, Consultant

* 2016 : 2024 : Valdelia, Director of Research and Development

* 2015 : Valdelia, Director of Operations

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