Notebook / Appointments

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25 February 2022

Appointments - Deputy Quality Manager

Guillaume Glorieux has been appointed Deputy Director of Quality, Risk Management and Patients at Institut Gustave Roussy, a position he has held since November 2021. He is responsible for managing the PAQSS.

Guillaume Glorieux, DU e-santé - Université de Paris (2019), MS management de la santé - Toulouse BS (2014), has completed the following career path:

* 2021 : Institut Gustave Roussy, Deputy Director of Quality, Risk Management and Patient Care

* 2020: French Red Cross, Head of Quality, Projects and Innovation at Hôpital Henry Dunant

* 2016 - 2020 : French Red Cross, National Quality Referent for the Training sector

* 2016 : Besançon University Hospital, Executive Assistant in the Department of User Relations and Quality

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