
Aurelie Saget Santin (TBS 2019) - In charge of external relations for the Association of Young Disabled People

08 June 2020 Diplomas

Aurelie Saget Santin (TBS 2019) is in charge of external relations for the Association of Young Disabled People l'Association les Jeunes Handicapés (AJH)

AJH solidarity and ESAT « les Pins » AJH establishment

This establishment who welcomes young handicapped people is part of the Savès Institutions which includes 600 residents (active or in retirement homes) from the age of 18 to 60 and counts 450 employees. The 200 approx active residents of ESAT (Etablissements et Service d’Aide par le Travail - establishments and service for help through work) are spread over several different sites according to their specific activity.

The Rieumes site takes care of laundry for internal and external needs. It is equipped with a sewing workshop in charge of repairing medical outfits for hospitals in Toulouse. This site was very active in making facemasks, in addition to a quality central kitchen. The Fonsorbes site includes a poultry abattoir. Seysses is in charge of park maintenance for several public bodies and is also involved in work in the building sector. Finally, the Bois de la Pierre site offers carwashing for large companies like Renault etc., as well as general subcontracting services.

A fully operational company is hidden behind these initials!

During the Covid19 crisis, external activities were partly reduced. By implementing quick reconvertion and using existing inhouse knowledge, it was possible to make several thousand facemasks to cover the needs of interns, medical staff and public bodies. 

The objective : Adopt an approach 100%Responsible, 100% local and 100% inclusive with the establishment l’ESAT « les Pins »

Interview provided by Didier Gaillard, Director of the manufacturing unit, Les Pins, and Aurélie Santin, in charge of external relations of AJH


Source : Le Petit Journal 31

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