[Cheer Up] Summary of events from the Week against Cancer
Dear Alumni network,
In an effort to increase awareness of the fight against cancer, Cheer Up, and in particular, the SCC pole, organized a Week against Cancer that was 100% digital and ran from 29th March to 3rd April.
On this occasion, we proposed several events such as a Zoom Meeting with two ladies with cancer, or the Run against Cancer, plus several publications to increase awareness in collaboration with la Ligue Contre le Cancer and l’Etablissement Français du Sang.
To quote chloé Poujard, in charge of the Week against Cancer Pole : "The event I was most proud of is the Zoom Meeting with Camille Arnaud and Laure Vitou. They shared their experiences which was an incrediable moment ! We were able to learn so much and especially witness the strength of these two ladies in their fight against the disease. It is truly impressive!"
This was indeed one of the highlights of the week to increase awareness. Thank you to those who took part as there was a great deal of interaction.
Another emblematic event of the week included, as every year, the Run against Canter. Inspite of this week being entirely digital, 27 people participated in this run and some were rewarded with prizes for supporting the cause.
In conclusion, we are delighted with how this week went and we hope that it was an opportunity for everyone to learn more.
For those who missed out on this week's events, you can find all our publications on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Solène Lorgeou, In charge of Alumni Cheer Up ! TBS
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