
New nonimation at the TBS Fondation

14 October 2021 School

Appointment to the TBS Foundation


Marion FELIX (TBS 2009) joined the TBS Foundation as Foundation Development Manager on September 13th.

Previously, she held various positions in Digital in the fields of Marketing, Communication and Human Resources within large industrial groups (Groupe SEB, Groupe Savencia).

Attached to the School

She has always kept strong links with her school by putting her professional skills and her taste for volunteering at the service
of our TBS Alumni association.  

In 2014, she joined the Lyon chapter where she worked on the organisation of conferences on the theme of digitalisation. She then took over the responsibility of the Paris chapter for 3 years, notably in charge of the Regeneration Party.

She is also a member of the Board of Directors of TBS Alumni since 2016.

She is committed to the development of the TBS Foundation

"It is with great enthusiasm that I am returning to a sector that is close to my heart, that of teaching, by taking over the TBS Foundation; a development full of meaning for the continuation of my professional career and my personal commitment to the TBS community for many years."

Find out more about the Foundation by clicking on the image ⤵️

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