
Unity Cube: Occupying the unoccupied

14 October 2022 Association

Come and discover the association of Vincent, Mathilde and Baptiste and their urban planning projects!

The association Unity Cube was founded in 2016 with the purpose of working on the mobilization of vacant buildings for emergency housing.


After three years of research and prototyping, the association has begun to mount its first projects in 2019.



Over the past four years, the Unity Cube team has participated in around twenty transitional urbanism projects, providing housing for several hundred people in total.


These projects have often had a strong experimental dimension, whether in terms of the technologies used for the development of the premises, the social project or the partnership methods.


The association's team is motivated by the idea of contributing to a more just and inclusive society, which allows everyone to live in dignified conditions.


Alongside the permanent staff, the commitment of the volunteers, especially during the participative workcamps, is a real asset for the association.


Nos 3 Incubés TBSSeeds !


Want to learn more about Unity Cube?


⬇Go to their website⬇

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