Career centre


Title *
Last name *
First name *
Mail (Your login) *


Company *
Siret number
Activity sector
Category *
Address *

Zipcode *
City *
Country *

On this website we may process data about you (e.g. your first and last name, your company, your telephone number or your e-mail address). This data may be destined for association members (when they consult your job offers), association staff or association partners, within the framework of our activities.

You can read below the details of the data we are called upon to process about you and the means available to you to exercise your rights under the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

What data and what use?

As part of the various forms available in our jobs section, we may need to collect information about your marital status or professional details. When you log on to the job board or submit a job offer, other information is collected in order to ensure that your offers are properly taken into account.

This data is intended for use by the company only.

This data is intended for members or administrators of the website (members of the Board and staff of the association) or our partners:

  • Partner 1 : TBS Education
  • Partner 2 : TBSeeds

Exercising my rights

In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain communication of the information concerning you, please contact our DPO.

You will receive a reply within 30 days at the latest.