Notebook / Appointments

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26 October 2023
Audrey MALMENAYDE (PGE, 2009)

Appointments - Audrey Malmenayde has been appointed Associate Director of Publicis Consultants, a position she has held since June 2023.

Audrey Malmenayde is appointed Associate Director of Publicis Consultants, in this position since June 2023.
Audrey Malmenayde has been appointed Associate Director of Publicis Consultants, in this position since June 2023. Audrey Malmenayde, TBS Education (0), has completed the following career path:

* 2023 : Publicis Consultants, Associate Director

* 2022: TBWA Corporate, Director

* 2011 : Mairie du 15e arrondissement de Paris, Head of Communications, 2017

* 2017: Paris 15th arrondissement town hall, Chief of Staff

* 2018 : Mairie du 15e arrondissement de Paris, Directeur adjoint de cabinet

* 2018 - 2019 : TBWA Groupe, Senior Consultant

* 2019 - 2021 : TBWA Groupe, Account Director

* 2021 : TBWA Corporate, Consulting Director


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