Notebook / Appointments

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24 October 2022
Philippe MORILHAT (PGE, 1996)

Appointments - Controlling Director

Philippe Morilhat has been appointed Director of Management Control at Mutuelle générale de l'Education nationale, a position he has held since October 2022, replacing Emilie Mendelsohn.

Philippe Morilhat, TBS Education (1996), has completed the following career path:

* 2022: Mutuelle Générale de l'Education Nationale, Director of Management Control

* 2017 - 2022: Chubb, Administrative Manager, Business Planning and Finance

* 2011 - 2017: Gras Savoye Willis Towers Watson, Actuarial Manager

* 2006 - 2011: Gras Savoye Willis Towers Watson, Deputy Group Controlling Director

* 2001: Merisant France, Head of European Finance, 2006

* 1998 : KPMG France, Auditor

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