
Amandine PILLOT (TBS 2007) & the European Week for Employment of Disabled People
17 November 2020
Each month, Amandine PILLOT publishes are article on the theme of handicap on the Eurécia blog, Vie de Bureau, Office Life.
In the scope of the European Week for Employment of Disabled People (SEEPH Semaine Européenne pour l'Emploi des Personnes Handicapées), which took place from 16th to 22nd November, 2020, Amandine addressed the subject of recruiting disabled workers and provided a step-by-step description of the process.
You have already thought about hiring disabled workers but you are unsure of how to go about it? Perhaps you are wondering about the following questions :
- How to attract disabled candidates ?
- How to manage an application from a disabled worker ?
- How to address the subject of handicap during an interview ?
- How to integrate a disabled worker within the company ?
This article (in French only) by Amandine gives full insight into 5 key pieces of advice :
- Prerequisites
- Offers (writing and publication)
- Applications
- Interviews
- Integration
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