
Augustin SAVARIT (TBS 2019) - Specialist Consultant in Public Policy

19 May 2020 Portraits / Podcasts

Recently graduated from both TBS and Sciences Po Toulouse, Augustin Savarit (TBS 2019), reveals his academic path in Toulouse.

Why did you choose Toulouse and TBS to study ?

Cocteau wrote "Youth know first what they don't want before knowing what they want". It is clear that I was no exception to the rule after passing my school certificate. First, I studied for two years in preparatory classes at the Montaigne Lycée in Bordeaux, not because I intended to go any specific school but because I did not feel mature enough to go to a faculty. This opposite choice, some would say by default, was surely the best decision I could make considering how stimulating and rewarding the two years were.  

When I took the business school entrance exams I felt a hint of advance nostalgia. The challenge was double : to be accepted obviously, but also to try to find those subjects that I had enjoyed so much in preparatory classes : philosophy, general culture, economics, foreign languages. It was difficult to imagine that a business school could offer all these. Yet TBS does offer them all, providing quality classes and the chance for curious students to study combined honours degrees which give us a wide variety of skills. That is the reason why I chose TBS, and consequently, Toulouse, which, second to Bordeaux, highlighted my relentless attraction to the South-West.

Can you tell us about your time as a student at TBS ?

While certain people develop a clear professional project from a very early age, in my case I was unsure, hesitating between the private and public sectors, two worlds in which everything seemed to be at opposites. It was indeed important to me that both my training and professional experiences reflected my interest in both these worlds.  

So at the end of my first year at TBS, I did a traineeship with Safran Aeronautics group, where I could apply all the work methods taught in the business school. I then applied for the combined degree with Sciences Po Toulouse and I signed up for the Master in Consulting and Specialist in Public Policy (Conseil et Expertise de l’Action Publique, CEAP) by IEP which taught me how to improve my use of planning and implementation tools for public policies, in particular through comparative analysis between administration systems in France and Europe.

At the same time, during my year at Sciences Po Toulouse, for nine months I had the honour of participating in the J22 Youth Committee launched by the Prime Minister in the scope of Public Action 2022. The purpose of this committee was to propose ideas for real transformatioin of the public services and administrations in areas such as health, justice, safety, training and education. I personally specialized in topics about teaching reforms in France as part of the Education Group. On the basis of interviews with all parties involved (Ministers, Central Administration Directors, parents of pupils, etc.), my analysis concentrated on two major challenges : opening up teaching positions and making careers in teaching more attractive ; addressing the need for more compatibility between secondary education (college, lycée) and issues in the workplace. After this experience, I wanted to spend more of my time in the design and implementation of the State's public policies.  

On the strength of this first experience, I went on to do a traineeship within the Interministerial Management of Public Transformation (DITP – Ministère de l’Action et des Comptes Publics). In particular, I participated in the elaboration of training programs proposed by the University of Public Transformation, in a project created ex nihilo, the purpose of which was to train managers and their teams about the implications of public transformation in a context marked by strong expectations on the quality of services to users, improvement of work conditions for civil servants and control on public spending. 

Finally, during my last year at Sciences Po Toulouse, I decided to further increase my knowledge of the senior public service level and transformation of the State. Thus in my final traineeship, I applied to the Minister's Office of Action and Public Accounts, more precisely with the advisor in charge of Public Services and State Reform. My application was accepted and I was lucky enough to join the cabinet at a time when major projects were underway (the launch of income tax at source, a draft bill aiming to reform public services, Brexit, the PACTE law, the law for a State as a service provider for a confident society, etc.). All my missions were very stimulating both on an intellectual and physical level.   

What were your main objectives when you started work after your degree ? What was your motivation ? 

Just like my university courses, I wanted my first step into the professional world to be at the boundary between the public and private sectors. In the same way, after a year spent in the ministerial office, I was keen to find a similar level of work intensity and intellectual stimulation.

What are you currently doing ? Why did you choose this area of activity ? 

I am currently working in the MEDEF Chairman's Office and I am specifically in charge of interventions. This opportunity is exactly what I hoped for, giving me the real chance to exchange with the public and private sectors while remaining within the operational scope of a ministerial office.

What was the point when you knew this was the right career path for you ? 

During my preparatory classes I became very interested in philosophy, literature and economic science. The "khôlles" (or extra work for those who are unfamiliar with the term) and dissertations on these subjects turned out to be more of a pleasure than an labour and gradually gave me the chance to improve my writing skills, my thought processes and my expression. That was the precise moment I decided to focus on this appetence and turn it into a skill. 

How did your studies help you in your professional and personal life ? 

The preparatory classes taught me work methods which I still use today. My combined honours degree opened up the world of business and the public sector. Finally, my traineeships gave me the conviction about my career choice to work within both sectors. 

What advice would you give to TBS Alumni, students or graduates? 

Firstly, I would congratulate them for choosing TBS. Then I would advise them to be curious. If there is one perfect time for intellectual enhancement and experience, it is definately during higher education. TBS offers many combined honours degrees which are ideal opportunities to gain new knowledge and make a difference on the labour market. Finally, carry out as many traineeships as you can during your studies. They give you the means of confirming or rejecting your theories you had about an area or a position, and of building your first professional experience while building your network.

Finally, are you willing for Alumni to contact you directly if they are interested in your career path ? 

With great pleasure ! 

NB: In order to contact Augustin Savarit, you need to be a fully paid-up member and sign in.

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