
Discover Romain LANUSSE-CROUSSE's profession of faith

07 November 2023 Professions of faith

To enable our alumni to vote fairly, the association asked them to answer 6 questions.

Discover Romain LANUSSE-CROUSSE's profession of faith (TBS Education PGE 2008).

When someone says TBS Alumni, what are the first words that come to mind?

Community - Toulouse - Mutual aid - Conviviality.

What are your current volunteer activities, and/or those you would like to pursue with TBS Alumni?

Connecting alumni of all generations with the school

Continue to contribute to the Alumni Magazine

Continuing my commitment to the school: orals, afterworks, student presentations, ....

What motivated you to run for the association's Board of Directors?

To continue the commitment I began 3 years ago. Support the ideas I believe in for the school.

Bring Alumni's wishes/claims to the attention of the School. Example: Ranking.

How do you see the future of TBS Alumni?

A vast, international network with numerous Chapters.

Regular meetings between the various Chapters.

What is your area of professional expertise?

Banking - Finance - Export - Spanish Topics

Draw your portrait in 3 emojis.


Interview by your TBS Alumni team πŸ’Œ

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