
Florian Mantione Institut helps you choose your coach

13 September 2020 Careers

In these troubled times, you may feel the need to take stock of your professional career. Using a professional coach can be an excellent solution to help you see your professional future more clearly.

Claude Rodier, Coach at the Florian Mantione Institut, offers you a few keys to understanding this little-known activity.

What's the point of coaching?

  • Accompany you during a professional transition (finding a new position, taking on a new role, integrating into a new company),
  • Help you resolve a professional issue (how your team functions, your managerial posture, resolving a professional conflict, improving your leadership skills, etc.),
  • Help you (re)define your professional strategy.

What type of coaching?

The value of coaching in the workplace lies in the diversity of the types of support it offers. Without constituting an "official" classification, the following forms of coaching can be distinguished:

  • person-centered coaching: for example, to help boost motivation, change career direction or overcome time management difficulties. In this case, coaching is aimed at developing the potential and achieving the professional objectives of the beneficiary;

  • coaching focused on interpersonal skills: for example, to improve the recipient's relationships with colleagues, peers, customers/users or management. In this case, the coach will work with the beneficiary, based on the analysis of concrete situations, to improve interpersonal skills in a professional context;

  • coaching focused on management: the aim, for example, is to develop a team's effectiveness, and overcome the challenges of compartmentalization and rivalry. In this case, the coach will focus on the group; this type of coaching can be particularly useful in times of restructuring or the creation of new entities, to support a manager in building his or her team;

  • executive coaching: this is a fully-fledged type of coaching that takes into account different dimensions, notably strategic, in relation to the organization as a whole, and also the fact that the executive has a specific posture, distinct from that of a "simple" manager.

Coaching with which coach?

To choose the right professional coach,

  • Make sure he's properly trained, ideally with a state-recognized coaching diploma.
  • Membership of a national coaching association (EMCC, ICF, etc.) is also a good guarantee.
  • Finally, ask for a coaching contract detailing all the terms and conditions of your support (objectives to be achieved, number of sessions initially planned, duration, fees, code of ethics, etc.).

TBS Alumni's partner coaches all offer quality coaching at a preferential rate for TBS Alumni .By visiting their profiles and presentations, you're sure to find the right coach for you!

To find out more about the type of support offered by the Florian Mantione Institut in particular, please contact us for further information

Claude RODIER,
Coach consultant Haute Garonne Florian Mantione Institut

Article written by Florian MANTIONE, a member of our "Entraide" section.
To find out more about Florian, see his presentation.

You must be logged in and registered* to contact FLORIAN

* TBS graduates from the classes of 2017 and earlier are required to contribute for life in order to benefit from all our services. Find out more. Other members are invited to demonstrate their spirit of solidarity by becoming a Donor Member of the TBS Foundation. Find out more.

N.B. Some of our coaches' services are eligible for the CPF. Jobseekers can mobilize their personal training account (CPF) without having to request Pôle Emploi's agreement. Their training will be paid for by the FPSPP. They will be able to benefit from the future "Conseil en évolution professionnelle" (professional development council), and will be free to choose their training from the list of eligible courses. The CPF is open to all working people over the age of 16. This individual account is valid throughout a person's working life. It is not attached to the employment contract. It is open to jobseekers (whether or not they are registered with Pôle emploi) and to people on professional security contracts.Consult and use your training rights.

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