
Isabeau NOEL (TBS 2020) - Founder of the ecological haven of peace, "Joïanima"

19 July 2021 Portraits / Podcasts

NOEL Isabeau, TBS 2020, has created "Joïanima", an ecological haven of peace in the heart of a forest  
Why did you choose to study at TBS ? Tell us about your student experience ! 

I started the Master's in Management program at TBS in the third year to specialize in Tourism & Services Management in Barcelona. During the two years of the Master's program, I travelled all over the world with one specific idea in mind : discover alternative ways of living and thinking. I learned a great deal from this trip and through the contact I made with local populations. When I came back to study, all I wanted to do was start my own project and create an environment for wellbeing and healing in a forest. 
What are you doing today and how did you reach this stage in your professional career ? 

While studying, I also worked alot with craftspeople, young companies or in local collectivities. I also worked in large companies such as Airbus. The comparison between young entrepreneurs and the super-organization of huge companies gave me the chance to understand where I wanted to go and what I wanted to avoid at all costs. 
In the end, entrepreneurship suited me best for its freedom to create, its self-sufficiency, continuous learning curve and daily challenges. I returned to the countryside where I can breathe and where I am happy to wake up in the morning. I created a rural tourism project in a region that is growing : the Tarn. Today I run "Joïanima", the eco-environment which is 6 months old now. This project allows me to spend my energy proactively in the countryside. 
I welcome guests from all over France. I give them the opportunity to cut off from their daily lives and recover. There are 3 lodges located in the middle of the Sidobre forest. There is also a communal building where people can meet as they come and go. It offers services and wwoofers... that is the social part of the project that I absolutely wanted to put in place. 
What advice would you give to Alumni, students and graduates, who would like to follow the same type of career path as yours ?

Believe in yourself and listen to your inner voice. Do what makes your heart beat, overcome your fears and get off the beaten track. Pay attention in class because what you learn may not seem to be of any use today but it will be one day ! 
Has the Alumni network been a help to you ?

It is the Alumni network that inspired me with the exceptional life paths. When you talk to entrepreneurs, you get the strength and motivation to start, continue, and believe in your projects. It also helped me keep my feet on the ground, to think carefully about realistic my ideas were. The network is an incredible source of support when you need feedback, advice and help. Today, I want to give back by talking to students who are interested and transmit the enthusiasm, hope and courage to believe in their ideas (however far-fetched or not).
Do you agree to allow Alumni students and graduates to contact you directly ? 


You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up member to contact Isabeau NOEL


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