
Lucas MATAGNE, a entrepreneur at the head of a centenary printing company!

15 June 2023 Portraits / Podcasts

Guided by an intuition, an idea and several encounters during his studies ,Lucas Matagne (TBS Education 2021) made his project a reality by buying out a century-old printing company.


Lucas joined TBS Education after two years of Maths sup / Maths spé preparatory classes: he was looking for his way. Right from the start, Lucas had a thirst for learning: he worked to finance his studies and set up several projects to discover sales, digital marketing and the world of entrepreneurship. These were all areas he appreciated and which gradually became his passion. All the projects he has carried out have helped him learn lessons and gain a better understanding of himself.


During his studies, his objective was simple: he wanted to improve his skills so as to be able to undertake business with confidence. He validated his Master 1 in Finance, then completed his Master 2 in "Strategic innovation management" on a work-study basis as a management controller at Sigfox. Mission accomplished: he now has a wide range of knowledge in finance, management, marketing, management and sales.


Alongside his studies, Lucas is also involved in the school's community life, becoming president of the "Welcome Team", the association that welcomes foreign students to TBS Education. Having himself grown up in Alberta (Canada) and La Réunion, he knows the importance of being welcomed and adapting well. What's more, this great experience has enabled him to learn how to motivate, manage and work as part of a team with other students.


Finally, it was through TBS Education that he met his future partner, Olivier Hue. In order to provide better support for scholarship students, TBS Education offers them the opportunity to meet mentors to strengthen their network, exchange ideas and support them in their studies. Lucas took advantage of this program and met Olivier, an entrepreneur in the CSR field: they hit it off right away and continue to see each other even after Lucas has graduated.

During these three years, Lucas's common thread was his desire to become an entrepreneur. In 2022, he began thinking about buying a company, and set out to find a promising business. To do so, he enlisted the help of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI). Browsing through the advertisements, he realized that there was a real opportunity in the market for companies owned by the "baby boomer" generation who would soon be retiring. Most of these companies are still in operation, but their owners have been unable to find a buyer.... some of them, however, are knowledge-intensive, financially sound and have potential: they simply need to be modernized.

Lucas is convinced of the professional, human and financial advantages of taking over a company: you inherit know-how, a qualified team, an existing, tried-and-tested offering... and part of the cash flow allows you to invest in modernization and innovation.


"It's like a start-up where you can create and recreate anything,

but in a place and with tools that already exist."


As Lucas scoured the takeover files, he fell under the spell of a century-old printing works in the Ariège region. Guided by his intuition, Lucas took the first steps towards buying Imprimerie du Noisetier. Supported by the Occitanie region and local players such as the CCI Ariège and Initiative Ariège, he obtained financing, signed an honorary loan and in December 2022, the sale was finalized. To bring this new adventure to fruition, Lucas teamed up with Olivier Hue, a friend and mentor he met through TBS Education, and was supported by his partner Alexia BENHAIM, also a TBS Education 2021 alumnus he met on the school's benches!


In taking over the printing business, Lucas knows he'll have to modernize it while retaining his know-how. It's a lot of hard work and investment, but he's blossoming. His future ambitions? To gain recognition for the company's French know-how and quality, and to expand into new markets.


In short, it's a great TBS Education story, and we wish him every success!


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