
Pierre HURSTEL (TBS 1980) - 7 years as President of TBS Alumni

08 July 2021 Association

On 7th July, The Executive Committee of TBS Alumni came together for an informal meeting and were joined by Philippe Robardey, President of the Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as Stéphanie Lavigne, Dean of TBS Education.

The majority of this Executive Committee Meeting was dedicated to presenting the highly positive summary of the 7 years' during which Pierre Hurstel was President. In short : 

  • 2014 : at the time when Matière à Réflexion became a reference for leaders whose ambition was to galvanize the energy and motivate the talents within their companies, Pierre Hurstel decided that this occupation was not sufficient and joined TBSA as an administrator, to then become President. 
  • 2015 : 18 months later, the number of volunteers had tripled and the amount of events had multiplied. From now on, to deserve this title, volunteers must be "active" and have to prove it in order to be voted onto the Executive Committee. The statutes of the association were updated to include the Dean of TBS as an ex-officio member.  
  • 2016 : Changes were made to the permanent staff team by creating a position for a communications manager in order to increase visibility about the actions taken by the association.
  • 2017 : Mutual trust was established with the School and an ambitious partnership agreement was signed. Pierre was appointed to the Executive Committee of TBS EESC intuiti personae, and for the first time, the Annual General Meeting was held in Paris where 1/4 of all members are located. 
  • 2018 : Thanks to the subsidy allocated in the partnership agreement, the chapters organized prestigious events, in conjunction with the Foundation, in Lyon, Geneva, San Francisco and London. Paris Chapter organized the first re-generation party. Moroever, "clubs" are set up, composed of volunteers whose purpose is to promote TBS programs : MitUp was the very first.
  • 2019 saw the 100th edition of the magasine, La Tribu and the association revealed its new ambition to become the preferred link between members around the common core values of Solidarity, Humanity, Momentum and Independence.
    Stéphanie Lavigne, who has recently been appointed Dean of TBS Education, joined the Executive Committee of TBS Alumni and set the foundations of a new relationship with our association based on efficiency and caring. 
  • 2020 : Despite the world health crisis that brought the world to a standstill and stopped volunteers from organizing their usual events so popular with our members, the association continued to improve its operational organization. Penelope Wall's service contract was turned into fulltime employment and Raquel Vilarinho was also hired. The team did substantive work on the website. Our volunteers continued to put impetus into the network by organizing virtual events. Julien Condamines managed a group of volunteers in the organization of the first ever TBS Global week, which was a resounding success. 
  • 2021 : The association initiated a recruitment process for a permanent Communications Manager. There are now 4 permanent members of staff.
    The Executive Committee of  TBS Education has decided to make the President of TBS Alumni a member ex-officio.

Simply put, while Pierre Hurstel was President, our Alumni Association has become a modern-day institution just as he promised in 2014 !

At the same time, our relationship with TBS is surrounded by a peaceful climate. The budget has been consolidated. Pierre leaves his position with the satisfaction of knowing that TBS Alumni has the ability to :

  • provide financial support to volunteers to organize prestigious events 
  • maintain a permanent team of qualified staff 
  • provide powerful technical and digital tools.

Over the last 7 years, the association has gained in visibility and credibility ! 

It is now the turn of Antoine Miche, PGE 2007, who was elected as President by unanimous vote of the members of TBSA Executive Committee. We wish Pierre Hurstel every success in his new role as President of TBS Education.

Love it

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