
Raquel VILARINO, our TBSocial Network directory maestro

22 July 2024 Association

Raquel VILARINHO (TBS Education 2018) has been our directory and data specialist for four years. She updates our TBSocial Network with brio. However, her background in Tourism, Communication and Human Resources did not predestine her to specialize in Data. Originally from Portugal, she began her career in her native country before arriving in France. Raquel was fluent in English and Spanish as well as French, but only at school level. She then had to adapt to a new culture and deepen her knowledge of the language. Now quadrilingual and Directory Manager at TBS Alumni, she keeps an eye on the TBSocial Network profile of each and every one of you.

Can you tell us about your career path and what brought you to TBS Alumni?

I arrived in France in 2011 to finish my Master's degree, which I had started in Portugal. I then worked for three years at Toluna in Paris as a Community Manager. I then spent almost 2 years as a Manager in the hotel and hostel chain The Loft Boutique Hostel before arriving in Toulouse.

When I first arrived in France, putting my French into practice wasn't easy, but there's nothing like being out in the field to really get to grips with the culture and language!

In 2016, I moved to Toulouse and worked for three years in different companies in different positions. That's when I felt it was time to take stock and create a career strategy for myself. Following a skills assessment, I went back to school to study for a Master's degree in Human Resources at TBS Education. I spent my work-study year in a recruitment agency, which kept me on at the end of my course.

When I joined TBS Education, I discovered TBS Alumni. I wanted to get involved, so I became a volunteer for the Tribu RH, 100% in line with my career plan. With other alumni volunteers, we organize events that combine conferences and discussion time. It's a very interesting format for alumni working in HR. We learn a lot from each other. I've also been able to meet various players in the community and get closer to the association.

In 2020, an opportunity arose within the association for the position of Directory Quality Manager, and I chose to seize it. That's how I joined the TBS Alumni team!

What motivated you to work in data, a field far removed from Human Resources?

The opportunity came at just the right time for me, as I was in need of professional renewal. The position involved a dual role, with a directory section and a communications section. It was a challenge that motivated me, because I knew I'd be carrying out a wide variety of assignments involving cross-disciplinary skills. I'd be able to use my existing skills while developing new ones.

The most motivating aspect was knowing that I was going to be working in a human-scale structure. There was also a team management aspect, as well as school and volunteer relations, which would enable me to keep one foot in the world of Human Resources.

Over time, the association grew and it became complicated to wear two hats. I had a better grasp of the directory side of things and wanted to specialize in data and analysis, while working with a communications team to make our campaigns more effective and the site more intuitive.

Can you tell us about your role within the association?

At the association, my role is to manage our database and the directory team. The directory team keeps our TBSocial Network platform up to date. To do this, it checks, verifies and modifies each of our alumni profiles as required.

If you haven't heard of TBSocial Network yet, it's your network essential! A 100% TBS Alumni platform for networking and connecting with inspiring Alumni, whatever your speciality.

And that's Raquel when ...

I tell him my profile isn't updated ❌

I tell him my profile is up to date βœ…

πŸ”₯ - Fun Fact

Raquel is also a specialist in:

  • Lego construction (endless)

  • Renovation from A to Z (especially for her apartment)

  • Aerial sports

You must be logged in and a paying member* to contact Raquel VILARINHO (TBS Education 2018)

* TBS Alumni graduates from the classes of 2017 and earlier are required to contribute for life in order to benefit from all our services. Find out more
Other members are invited to demonstrate their spirit of solidarity by becoming a Donor Member of the TBS Foundation. To find out more, click here.

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