
The SESAME project launches its recruitment campaign!
TBS Education's SESAME project is looking for new sponsors. These consulting missions are carried out free of charge by TBS Education.
What is the SESAME project?
The SESAME is a 2-week seminar that enables students in the Master 2 program of the Master in Management program at TBS Education to put themselves in the position of a consultant.
SESAME is made up of a multidisciplinary team:
students from different backgrounds, in groups of 35 to 40, in the final year of their Master in Management. They take on the role of consultants to carry out the mission.
Coach-tutors who accompany the group and its reflection, refocusing or decentralizing according to the students' progress.
A sponsoring company, with representatives of the company to define the problem and frame the mission. These people commit to being available during the fortnight to answer the students' questions.
What happens at the seminar?
The first step is to get in touch with the program coordinator in order to understand your needs, and to see how we can work together; then comes the drafting of an assignment letter.
During the assignment 3 major stages:
Day 1: Face-to-face presentation of the assignment to our team of consultants.
J5: Presentation of the strategic diagnosis to the company
J12: Presentation of the recommendations to the company
Deliverables: powerpoint support and “Ready to use” summary note for reuse by the company.
I'm interested in this project!
Does this project sound interesting to you ? 😉
More information and registration via the contact of:
SESAME program coordinator
05 61 29 48 52
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