
Discover Cécile Desnouhes' bold, creative and limitless career !

25 April 2023 Portraits / Podcasts

"Allow yourself not to have a linear career".

In 2006, Cécile DESNOUHES (TBS Education 2006) obtained a PGE Business Real Estate diploma, which allowed her to begin a professional adventure punctuated by happy coincidences.


Her studies began as a work-study program at Decathlon. This was Cécile's first step into the world of work. This rich experience allowed her to make up her mind: large-scale distribution was not for her.


In her final year, Cécile opted for the "real estate" option, a field that particularly attracted her. To validate this module, she did an internship at Bouygues Immobilier: an opportunity to learn more about this sector, but no job was offered. After her disappointment, she confided in a colleague: she had applied for a job as a sales manager in a communications agency specializing in the production of 3D images. Real estate developers are the agency's main clients, and this colleague had just met with the manager. The link was made; at the end of the recruitment process, Cécile began her career, one foot in communications, the other in real estate.


Two years later, in 2008, Cécile felt that she had taken advantage of all the opportunities her position offered her. In the context of the subprime crisis, she decided to end her contract. It was at this point that she began to listen to herself more. She took a few weeks to question herself and to take stock of her future projects: becoming a mother, writing a novel, creating her own communication agency... Finally, she said to herself: "In order or out of order, why not do all three? It was the beginning of a new chapter! She was not destined to be an entrepreneur, but launched herself into the adventure.


In 2009, C'est du joli, a generalist communication agency, was born on the Arcachon Basin. This adventure lasts five years, during which Cécile sees herself evolving to manage a team of four people. Once again, during a casual discussion, Cécile proposed to a friend to join her in order to continue the development of the agency. Unfortunately, the year 2014 is difficult in many ways: the business does not come in anymore and the agency is placed in liquidation.


Cécile then faced a great questioning. After several difficult months, she tried the start-up adventure, but the project remained at the embryonic stage. She chose to gather her skills and to focus on what drives her the most. She understands that trying is already succeeding and that she has the right to make mistakes. Hypersensitive, she also realizes that managing costs her too much psychologically. She enjoys leading, but managing conflict is proving to be a blocking factor.


She opens the field of possibilities. This is how she deploys her knowledge in several fields that are dear to her heart. She has developed services in the fields of writing, conference facilitation... She even accepts to accompany a former client who solicits her for entrepreneurial coaching. Passionate about life trajectories, driven by a strong feeling of usefulness, she regularly helps those who feel they are moving forward in the fog, thanks to a positive word-of-mouth.


At the same time, Cecile and her husband's lifelong plan to open a Vib's franchise store became a reality after years of searching for a location. Working as a family became their way of life, the couple sharing the tasks according to their natural skills. It was a success as they are still running the store today.


However, in 2016, Cécile took stock of her own situation and decided to listen to her inner voice once again. She decided with her family to leave the Bassin d'Arcachon to live in Bordeaux center. A radical change of life, which allowed her to turn the page of the agency for good. She updated her artistic desires, which had been put aside for too long. Curious and creative, she trained in drawing and painting, and exhibited her canvases and plexis several times, mixing digital work and acrylic paint. "Monomaniac of the woman portrait", she celebrates a positive feminism and strives to instill optimism and self-confidence through her works.


In 2020, the Covid crisis was the perfect opportunity to revive her book writing project, which she had had to put aside. A year later, she published her first book: Bien tombée. This book is the result of a lot of work and investment. Inspired by her life's journey and by her encounters, Bien tombée is a novel in which personal development plays an essential role. It leads us to question ourselves on different personal and professional situations. It tells the story of characters who cross paths by chance, without living the situation in the same way. Between intuition, questioning, collective strength, disappointment, love and joy, discover the paths of those who one day listened to their little inner voices.

Today, Cécile is still self-employed, which allows her to use her different professional skills. She appreciates the diversity and adaptability that the entrepreneurial life offers her. Her interest in real estate is expressed through an additional activity: the renovation of atypical properties that she and her husband find and renovate entirely before reselling them. Listening to each opportunity and to her intuition, she is convinced that our profession should not be the first element that determines us; that it is essential to listen to ourselves in order to overcome limiting social norms, to find the best alignment between who we are at heart and our professional activities.

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