
Sonni MARTEL (TBS 2021) - A business creation project with a humanitarian approach

08 February 2021 Portraits / Podcasts

Epicurean, authentic & resiliant 

My name is Sonni MARTEL and I was born in Calas, a small village between Aix en Provence and Marseille. 

My years at the School
My studies in the Master in Management program at TBS and the experiences I had in traineeships and in associations influenced me into quickly changing tack in my professional projects : I gave up all ambition to work in large listed companies, with a big salary and spending my days in a suit : I want to work in a more humane environment which constantly realigns values and does not run after profit.  
Above all, I want to create a structure that reflects who I am and which englobes my set of values. This is why I have chosen (after one term studying the certified specialization, Digital Transformation at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona) within the Master of Science Entrepreneurship & Business Development at TBS in order to acquire all the keys which will allow me, after graduating in 2021, to give a clear voice to my company creation project.
Which associations did you take part in at TBS ?
I had worked in door-to-door wine sales during my preparatory years, and I have been attracted to the world of wine for a very long time, particularly in terms of the importance of terroir and the nobility of the product itself. Therefore, when I started at TBS in 2017, I joined Sup d'Œno.
A year later, my list took up our positions in the student association for 2018 and I became passionate and genuinely involved in event organization and management. Finally, once my term as president was over and I handed over to Eline and her new team, I joined the Foyer where the unparalleled state of mind reminded me why I had chosen this School in the first place.  
I had been part of the admissions team in 2018 so in January 2019, I was called to become the General Manager of the admissions for the Masters program at TBS. During the six months, my friends and I managed hospitality for 3500 students, including welcome, transport, food and accommodation. I also recruited and coordinated 98 members of the admissions team with whom we had an absolutely amazing time, full of laughter and emotions amidst the great energy that united professors, employees, Alumni and students at the School !  
After working for the Toulouse Haute-Garonne Chamber of Commerce and Industry as an events auditor, today I am back at School for my last year in MSc.
How would your best friend describe you ?
Probably as a headstrong go-getter. Perhaps I would also be characterized as getting easily dispersed in all my projects!

In truth, I would probably say that my friends, especially those I met during my 4 years at TBS, have all contributed to who I am today : They came from all over France and their different points of view created a unique context to develop my open-mindedness.
Which project would you like to share with Alumni? 
I am passionate about sailing and I'm a big fan of the Mediterranean in the summer. I dream of building my own sailing boat ! In winter, I head for the mountains without hesitation ! Nevertheless, I'd like to share the details of the business creation project I'm working on at this very moment with another student in year 2 of the master's program. 
My project
Together with Alizée Legrain, who is studying Master in Management and Master of Science Management for Creative and Cultural Activities, we would like to unify our love for event organization with our ambition for a more inclusive business world and create a social insertion structure based on economic activity in an atypical location to include accommodation and open to the public.   
Café, restaurant, evening events, sports competitions, weddings, seminars, inaugurations, etc. At the heart, a mixture of events projects inspired by individual talents to give life to the place while giving people in difficulty a chance to work again by learning technical skills in the scope of the hotel and events trade.  
Our objective : Create a living and modular space to share that is flexible and adaptable. Its primary role, over and above profitability, will be to teach skills and develop self-confidence in people we are convinced just need to find their path to reveal their talents! 
In the scope of this project, do you need support to move forward? 
We are hoping to set up and eventually expand in order to carry our entrepreneurial vision of social assistance. One thing is definate, we will also need support, experience feedback or advice to help us move forward !
Today, our biggest challenge is meeting decision-makers of economic activity insertion structures in order to learn from their experience and knowledge.
What made you choose TBS ?
It was without a doubt the spirit of brotherhood that dominated and still does today. I am convinced that is a deeply-rooted value of the School, together with the unique spirit of the Southwest and a permanent climate of goodwill which meant that I made strong and real bonds with students from all different courses, as well as with some of the staff. I am sure that these bonds are made to last.  

Aer you willing for Alumni, students and graduates alike, to contact you directly? 
Yes, certainly.

If you are interested in Sonni's experience and you would like to support his project, please feel free to contact him! 

You need to be logged in as a fully paid-up member to contact Sonni Martel


*TBS Graduates before and up to year 2017 are invited to pay a life membership fee to enjoy all our services. For more information, click here.
All other members are invited to show their spirit of solidarity by becoming a donor Member of TBS Foundation. For more information, click here.


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