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20 November 2024

Students and graduates want to have a positive impact on their environment

Estelle Loiselay [TBS Education 2013]

Originally from the South-East of France, Estelle did her HEC preparatory course in Lyon, then joined TBS Education in 2009 and completed her training in labor law and social protection at the CNAM from 2016 to 2018. This solid background led her to work for several years in recruitment at BCA Expertise. She then moved to Toulouse, where she now assists managers and management at a Collins Aerospace site in France with talent management, HR strategy, recruitment and work organization. It's a very versatile position, which gives her a good appreciation of the changing relationship with work!

Her findings corroborate studies on the subject: she confirms that the balance of power is shifting in the recruitment phase towards job applicants, even in historically attractive sectors such as aeronautics. Candidates remain on the job market for very little time, and we have to be particularly reactive. In their job search, young graduates are particularly sensitive to a company's CSR commitments, even if salary remains a major criterion in their choice. During recruitment interviews, they don't hesitate to ask questions about current projects, diversity policies, skills development or flexible working arrangements.

His participation in the TBS Education orals last year, as well as in recruitment forums at ENAC and Sup-aero in previous years, confirms this: students and young graduates want to have a positive impact on their environment!

The company is GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) accredited, and has set up a partnership with Handifeels to recruit and integrate disabled employees and raise awareness among its staff, managers and HR team. From a business point of view, the company participates in the development of future aircraft with its customers, and therefore offers its employees the opportunity to contribute to such projects.

"Organizations need to adapt in a "volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world""

On another note, Estelle observes a growing appetite among young people for entrepreneurship, facilitated by the many opportunities in the digital sector, or for the more agile structures that seem to offer a more immediate sense of work and a versatility that enables fast and varied learning. However, the larger structures still have the advantage of offering international experience, career prospects and job security that some young graduates continue to appreciate.

Finally, organizations need to adapt to a "volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world (VUCA)", starting by raising awareness and supporting managers in identifying and responding to the associated risks. Team cohesion, performance management, intergenerational management, identification of psychosocial risks... there's no shortage of subjects on which HR teams need to support organizations to maintain commitment!

Interview by Pierre Souloumiac (TBS Education 1988)

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